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Hodgkinson, G. (2023). First-time VR designers create immersive VR environments in accelerated learning workshop. EdMedia+ Innovate Learning 2023. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Hodgkinson, G. (2023). Atmosphere and Awe: VR Worlds Inspired by Romantic Art Landscape. EdMedia+ Innovate Learning 2023. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Hodgkinson, G. (2023). Atmosphere and Awe: VR Worlds Inspired by Romantic Art Landscape. CAPA Conference 2023. Griffith University, Brisbane.

Hannes Rall, Gray Hodgkinson, Sabrina Wong.  Can a visual design and game approach for VR increase engagement with health issues? IEEE VR 2023: the 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces March 25-March 29, 2023, Shanghai

Winstanley, L., & Hodgkinson, G. (2023). Visual Plagiarism and a New Framework to Address Localised Opinions and Perceptions in Applied Arts Education. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 24(18).

Hodgkinson, G. (2022) Singapore National Day Animations Front and Centre, Small Nations Symposium 2022. Animation Research Network Scotland, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh.         

Rall, H. Jernigan, D. Hodgkinson. G, George, T., (2022) "Transforming the Bard through Digital Media: Modern Design Approaches for Shakespeare Education." Design Praxiology and Phenomenology: Understanding Ways of Knowing through Inventive Practices. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022. pp113-130.

Hodgkinson, G. (2022) Virtual Architecture & Design Studio research workshop. PAVIADIGIWEEK 2022. Virtual environments and digital simulations for development of cultural identity in the Digital Age. University of Pavia, Italy / VREA project (Virtual Reality and Game Design for Architectural and Cultural Heritage) an Erasmus Mundus and European Union research project.    September 19th - 23 rd, 2022.    

Hodgkinson, G. (2021) Unexpected realities of animation VR Confia 2021. Proceedings ISBN: 978-989-54939-6-8. pp.362-372

Hodgkinson, G. (2021) Employing game design and VR to explore anxiety in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. EdMedia+ Innovate Learning. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Hodgkinson, G. (2020). Maximising Creativity and Art with Game Engine Technology. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 842-848). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Hodgkinson, G. (2020) Symbolism and the Unreality of Animation. Confia 2020. Proceedings (pp.138-146):

Hodgkinson, G. (2019) Cut, Don't Cut - Moving the viewer through a story in animated VR. Proceedings. Confia 2019, Viana do Castelo, Portugal.

Hodgkinson, G. (2019) Disrupting the long road of learning 3D animation by using game engine technology. EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2019. Amsterdam.

Hodgkinson, G. (2018) Story-telling in VR – guiding the user through a multi-scene narrative Busan International Film festival: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Evolution of Cinema. (Invited) Forum. Busan, South Korea.

Hodgkinson, G. (2018) Animation in VR: A whole new story. Animation and Philosophy, Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) and FMX 2018.

Hodgkinson, G. (2017) Lights, Virtual Camera, Action! TECHART: Journal of Arts and Imaging Science, 4(4), 31-36.

McAuley, M. Hodgkinson, G. (2017) The research poster and how it consolidates and communicates key  concepts of a research inquiry Common Ground – Design Principles & Practices Journal. Co-author with Mike McAuley, Newcastle.

Hodgkinson, G. (2016) Lock up your stories – here comes virtual reality Asia Animation Forum 2016.  Bucheon, Sth Korea. Presentation.

, G. (2016) Virtual Reality will break your narrative Society of Animation Studies Conference 2016 Singapore (Aural presentation) .
Hodgkinson, G. (2015) Displaced (Animated movie) 18 international festivals and 8 awards .

Hodgkinson, G. (2015) Taking animation project learning into the virtual environment. Siggraph Asia 2015 Kobe, Japan, ACM Library.

G. (2015) A new medium for animation – stereo virtual reality Asia Animation Forum 2015 Bucheon, Sth Korea. Proceedings.

Hodgkinson, G. (2015) Bro’ town – an animated representation of New Zealand indigenous and Pasifika cultures Society of Animation Studies Conference 2015 Canterbury (Aural presentation) .

Hodgkinson, G. (2015) Displaced – exhibition of animated movie, PopCAANZ 2015 Exhibition Wellington. Proceedings.

Hodgkinson, G. (2015) Displaced – a symbolic narrative PopCAANZ 2015 Wellington. Proceedings.

Hodgkinson, G. (2013) Using animation, symbolism and discovery to convey a global social issue. Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013. Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Victoria Ed-ITLib.

Hodgkinson, G. (2013) Teaching design thinking Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013. Chesapeake, VA: AACE. www.editlib. org/p/112161/ Victoria Ed-ITLib.

Hodgkinson, G. (2012) Story-building techniques for animation using the power of symbolism and semiotics to increase narrative depth and meaning. Society of Animation Studies Conference 2012 Melbourne (Aural presentation) .

Hodgkinson, G. (2009) The seduction of realism Siggraph Asia 2009 Japan ACM, ACM Digital Library.

Hodgkinson, G. (2009) Dolphins and the haka: animation education in New Zealand, FMX 2009 Conference Presentation + abstract Stuttgart (Aural presentation) .

Hodgkinson, G. (2008) Why do new interfaces scare me? Exploring affective design principles in user interface design, Ed-Media conference proceedings, Vienna Ed-ITLib.

Hodgkinson, G. (2008) Driving test success: producing instructional 3D animation aimed at passing a driving test, Ed-Media conference proceedings, Vienna Ed-ITLib.

Hodgkinson, G. (2006) Creating Quality – How do we develop excellence in our students? Siggraph-Taipei conference proceedings Taipei .

Hodgkinson, G. (2005) 3D Interface inspired by constructivist art principles. Ed-Media, Ed-Media conference proceedings. Montreal Ed-ITLib.

Hodgkinson, G. (2005) Artist or Artisan: Preparing students for a career in the computer animation industry ... a New Zealand experience, TNUA, Art Animation conference, proceedings (pp. 18-19).  Tainan, Taiwan.

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